Many cultures value facial balance as a sign of beauty. Moreover, a strong chin is an element of handsomeness. If your chin appears to recede in comparison with the rest of your features, you may feel self-conscious about your looks. Fortunately, a skilled plastic surgeon can resolve this problem by giving you a chin implant.
Before you partake in any kind of surgery, cosmetic or otherwise, you need to understand the basics of the procedure in question, from whether you count as a good candidate for it to what to expect following the procedure. The following questions and answers about chin implants can help you make a more informed decision.
People generally seek chin implants to add volume to a weak or receding chin, an issue known as retrogenia. Many people have a receding chin from birth, sometimes due to underlying genetic conditions, such as Treacher Collins syndrome or Pierre Robin sequence. Others simply inherit a small jaw or overbite.
You can develop a receding chin over time even if you have always had a normal-looking chin in your younger days. People naturally lose a small amount of chin tissue as they age. This regression may also contribute to a double chin as the skin over the chin and jawline start to sag.
A chin implant doesn't necessarily offer the best solution for everyone with a receding chin. For instance, if your receding chin involves a misalignment between your upper and lower jaw, you may need orthognathic surgery to move the lower jaw forward. An oral or maxillofacial surgeon usually performs this procedure.
If your jaws and teeth line up correctly and you simply want a more prominent chin, you could prove an ideal candidate for a chin implant. However, you must also maintain a healthy weight, avoid smoking, enjoy sound overall health, and have realistic expectations about this procedure's potential to change your looks.
You won't need a hospital stay for chin implant surgery. Your cosmetic surgeon may decide to use either local or general anesthesia to keep you comfortable during the procedure, which typically takes less than one hour. You can have other cosmetic procedures simultaneously, although it increases the total surgery time.
Your cosmetic surgeon will make an incision either inside your mouth, where your gums meet your lower lip, or beneath your chin. The surgeon then uses this incision to insert a silicone implant, fitting it in place at the front of the lower jawbone. After suturing the incision closed, the surgeon will cover the wound with a bandage.
You may feel pain, itching, or numbness in your chin as you recuperate from your chin implant. Prescription medications can ease this discomfort. You might also experience headaches and noticeable facial swelling, both of which will subside as you heal. However, your chin may not achieve its final desired appearance for months.
Your cosmetic surgeon should provide you with detailed instructions on taking care of your healing chin, including guidelines on when you can resume your normal routine. You may need to avoid lifting or bending during the recovery period. Elevate your head with multiple pillows to optimize healing and enjoy sleep that is more restful.
Masri Clinic can serve as your trusted source for chin implant surgery and many other kinds of plastic surgery. If you believe that a chin implant might give you the balanced look and strong chin you desire,
our clinic today to learn more about the procedure and schedule an initial consultation.
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