Every human body has its own unique look, including various aesthetic imperfections. However, many people share the common problem of excess thigh skin or fat. If this kind of issue makes you feel overly self-conscious or compels you to avoid fashions you would otherwise embrace, you may want to consider a thigh lift.
The more you know about thigh lift surgery, also called thighplasty, the more easily you can make an informed decision about whether this kind of procedure makes sense for you. The following questions and answers should help you decide whether to discuss a potential thigh lift with a skilled cosmetic surgeon.
Many people who choose to undergo thigh lifts have recently lost a great deal of weight. Extreme weight loss can leave loose, sagging skin on the thighs. Others simply struggle with unattractive pockets or fat on the inner outer thighs that won't respond to diet, exercise, or other conservative therapeutic measures.
Health and comfort problems can drive some individuals to undergo thigh lift surgery even if they don't feel self-conscious about their looks. When excess fat or skin causes the inner thighs to rub together, the friction can cause redness, irritation, and blister-sores to develop. Thigh lift surgery can eliminate this painful complication.
A thigh lift doesn't count as a weight loss procedure. If you mainly want to shed extra pounds, you should consider a different strategy. Thigh lift candidates should commit to maintaining a height-proportionate body weight. A significant drop in weight could create new skin sagging, while weight gain can expand fat cells.
If you exercise regularly and follow a healthy dietary routine but still want to rid yourself of excess thigh tissue, you could prove a good candidate for a thigh lift. However, steer clear of smoking before you even consider any plastic surgery, since nicotine can delay healing, worsen any scarring, and cause blood clots.
Plastic surgeons usually perform one of two main types of thighplasty. A medial thigh lift tightens and smooths the upper part of the inner thigh, a common trouble spot for fat accumulation. A standard thigh lift tightens loose skin throughout the upper thigh. Both operations count as outpatient procedures.
You'll receive general anesthesia before either type of thigh lift surgery. If you've chosen a medial thigh lift, your surgeon will make an incision from the groin down the inner thigh. The surgeon then trims away excess tissue from the edges of the incision and closes the incision with tape, clips, or sutures.
To perform a standard thigh lift, your surgeon will again start an incision at the groin, but in this procedure, the incision extends up and back along the hip line. The surgeon can then trim away the excess tissue along this line and close the incision to tighten the skin across the thigh.
Even though you can go home the same day of your thigh lift, you will need time to recuperate. Compression garments and drainage tubes will help manage the swelling for the first few days following surgery. Limit your activity during this period to help safeguard your incisions from damage or infection.
You'll return to your cosmetic surgeon the next week so the surgeon can remove your sutures and evaluate the healing process. As the weeks pass, you can start introducing more activity into your routine. Residual swelling and reddened scar tissue may remain visible for several months before fading away.
If thigh lift surgery sounds like the solution to your aesthetic problems, Masri Clinic can help. Our experienced team offers a wide range of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures and treatments for the face, skin, and body. Contact our facility today to set up an initial consultation.
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